My impressions and reactions from the announcements this morning.

This was an exciting morning. I have the opportunity this week to be in San Jose with my team from work. Along with two other guys, I did not get WWDC tickets, so we are enjoying AltConf and Layers instead.

The thing that struck me most was the inclusion of SwiftUI in the keynote. I am thrilled that it exists, and I love that it got so much stage time. It felt like a portion of the State of the Union got picked up and plopped in a few hours earlier.

Announcing SwiftUI made this keynote feel like the most developer-focused event in years.

As a customer, I am even more thrilled with the iPadOS announcement. When I am not in Xcode, I prefer to be on my iPad Pro, and this will solidify that even more. When the SwiftUI demo was being shown, my first thought was that it looked very similar to Swift Playgrounds, and I have a not-so-secret hope to get Xcode on the iPad this year.

This will be an interesting week. There are so many positive changes I can tell are coming to impact our daily developer life, and I can’t wait to learn more about them.